Little snippets heard between my parents.
It has been raining cats and dogs the last two days, and the creek behind my parents' house is a raging torrent. Finally the weather cleared this afternoon, and I went for a walk. I love the hills. The walks are so different from my home.

What makes turblent waters so interesting? I strolled alongside the creek, throwing those annoying spiny orbs from sugar trees into the water, watching to see where they would pop up, and racing them downstream.
There are turbulent waters in mum's church as well. Why must everyone seek to enter another person's fight? Why does everyone want to slow their cars and look at wrecks? Does it display a amoral commonness of our humanity? Or does it portray more base characteristics of envy, jealousy, or a feeling of superiority?
On the walk, I saw lots of Spring flowers as well. Having flown from Winter to Spring, the flowers were a sight for sore eyes...

The blogger site is refusing to download pictures, so I will have to add the rest later.
On a different tangent, I confess I must have lied at the end of my last post. I have had much more time to knit after the first day. Today, I cast off the Twilight shawl by Gundrun Johnson The Shetland Trader. I soaked it in Big Hair shampoo, because it was accessible (hey ya'll! I'm in the South!), and I have it pinned out on the spare bed in my parents' house. The camera battery is dead, but plugged in. Later: Here is a picture of the shawl before it was unpinned.

Dad is doing better, but we are all hoping he gets a good night's rest tonight.

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