Running Amok in the Nordic Museum
I'm so excited about attending the Seattle Nordic Museum's third Knitting Conference happening this weekend. I'm starting to not sleep well, and my hope is that, by the time it rolls around, I'll be so exhausted I'll sleep like a baby. Like a weaned baby that sleep through the night, that is.
Yesterday I was struck by, what I hope is, a flash of inspiration: a Treasure Hunt! Involve the attendees to discover more about the museum and its holdings, the attendees and teachers, and, most of all, have a blast! I have contacted Ellen from Twinset and Karin, one of the wonderful volunteer editors in Ravelry and Nordic Museum volunteer extraordinaire and asked for their input. There will be crazy questions and prizes for the respondee with the highest points, the person with the second highest points, and a random draw from all participants.
All pictures must be taken from October 15.
Any treasure hunter kicked out of the conference will have their scores dismissed!
Here are some questions so far:
Signature of attendee from furthest away, and where they live
Signature of attendee who lives closest to the museum (by road, not as the crow flies), with their crossroads
Signature and age of oldest attendee
Signature and age of youngest attendee
Picture of someone spinning, and story of the fiber
Picture of anyone standing on their head (+20 pts. if presenter)
Picture of curator
Eat smoked salmon, fish of some kind, or drink absolut vodka during the conference
Picture of the flag of the Nordic country with which you feel most akin -- (+5pts. if you are included in the picture)
Talk someone out of a swatch (+20 pts. if presenter)
Signature of Charlotte -- museum worker and conference organizer. (+5 pts if she shows you pictures of her kids)
* KARIN, what other museum worker could be added here? *
What is (choose your presenter's??) favorite cast-on?
Have a serious conversation with someone about Lutefisk.
Measure the gauge of an "X" on a Norweigan sweater -- while the owner is wearing it. (thank you, Ellen!)
Find out the difference in pronunciation between the two a's in tvaandsstickning:
Get a picture of yourself with your favorite sweater at the conference
Get a picture of yourself with your favorite shawl at the conference
How did Ruth Soerensen make the snowflakes on her winter sweater?
Danish yarn
(Estonian yarn? -- how far does one stretch "Nordic?")
Faroese yarn
Finnish yarn
Iceland yarn
Norweigan yarn
Swedish yarn
Have Evelyn Clark teach you a word in Icelandic
What Bohus sweater(s) has Janet of Acorn Street Shop knit?
Get a new-to-you Sven and Ole joke:
Get someone to sing and entire national anthem to you from a Nordic country (*not da-da-da) (+20pts if presenter)
Have anyone sing an ABBA song
Any tips? Additional questions? Lobbying for one to be booted? What are thoughts on point weighing? Any of the presenters you know of have no sense of humor?
I'll sign off, hoping to sleep...
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