
Friday, January 28, 2011

Please don't tell my husband: I am an idiot!*

So, I have been stalking an out-of-print Finnish mitten knitting book. I joined the Finnish rendition of ebay when one popped up on it (thank you Lilia for letting me know!), but I accidentally entered my top bid as my first one. What a fool! The box came up for me saying the equivalent of "are you really sure?" It wouldn't allow me to leave the box without answering; I couldn't copy and paste it into my translator box. I punched whichever box was blue and glowing.

Now I'm up at 3am to see if I won.

In the meantime, here is a picture of the mittens I knit my daughter. I have never embroidered before on knitwear. I freehanded it, mainly because I couldn't think how to mark on this bright material. I don't have any disappearing quilt markers -- they always seem to dry up before I use them. I did try a chalk quilt marker on the interior circle, but it didn't mark well. Any ideas?

Here is a gratuitous picture of my finished stranded mittens. Love 'em!

*In Michigan, when applying for a marriage license, applicants must swear they are not marrying an idiot. So, this could change everything.

1 comment:

twinsetellen said...

Oh, I'm sure it will be worth it. If it isn't, maybe you can post it on the English version of ebay and get some Finn to accidentally overbid on it. :-)