Christmas is done -- Bring in the New Year
Got some Christmas projects done, and I am free-to-be Jan-u-ary!
First, I knit a friend's son a stocking

I knit a dear friend in the service some socks

And, I knit Suzy Hoo a hat!

So, this New Year's we went to London -- again!

But, it was London, Ontario. And, it was after a day at Niagara with the kids.

So, the kids are back in school, and I have pulled the Kauni I bought from The Trading Post booth at the Michigan Fiber Festival in August. What lovely yarn they have! A few other people carry Kauni -- Little Knits and Webs, and now the Shuttle Shop near me -- but it is so nice to touch and feel the wool one is buying.
After researching the Kauni Cardigan, designed by Ruth Sorensen, I have been planning on knitting the damask version of the cardi. Now I'm onto planning which colors should go side by side. Too bad I don't have enough yarn to knit a hat as my swatch. In fact, I remember having this conversation with a Ravelry friend about two years ago! It's about time I cast on!

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