
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Much ventured

Not sure how much gained.

Two children have been home sick from school so far, and not much gets done those days. On the other days, though, I finished two baby quilts and made one twin-sized quilt for my youngest.


He was so excited, he lost a tooth.

I went to the Michigan Fiber Fest and had great fun taking a silver woven bracelet class and a marled yarn spinning class. I also drove by the shell of my childhood home.

While in Allegan, I returned a niddy-noddy a friend had loaned me for the past two years. When I came home, this is what greeted me:

What a lovely husband to craft this for me!


Barbara said...

I'm not too proud to ask - what is it that Chris made?

Barbara said...

And what is a niddy noddy?

stashmuffin said...

Haha! Barb, it is a niddy-noddy! One takes loose yarn and winds it on the n-n to make skeins.