The count down is on, and I don't mean just for the Royal Union. Hubby and I are headed to London the 27th, and I'm so excited. I have a workout agenda, to make sure I can schlep my share of the yarn, and so far, I am on schedule. I have also exercised my brain and learned a new word. See if you can find it.
Our trip was already in the works, when Will and Kate stole the limelight. That's okay: I'm willing to share. Till then, we have booked the tickets and three nights stay. Two nights are up in the air. (I'm so excited!)
Meanwhile, we went to Michigan for one weekend of Spring Break. I had a lovely time visiting with Uncles, Aunts and friends, then left my knitting at someone's house. It took a week to make it home, undoubtably larking it up in its free time. So, while at my friend, Apryl's, I borrowed some roving and spun a small skein of some lovely maroon merino, and cast on some wrist warmers. I began with a picot hem, incorporated some wrapped purl stitch, then dropped it like a hot potato when I got home. The kids were rather demanding for the second half of the Break.
But now that track and field, softball and t-ball have begun, I am hoping for some good knitting time in the bleachers.

I went for a walk with the ends, scattering them to the wind, hoping some robins will incorporate them in the nests. But it
all seems rather like a floccinaucinihilipilification.
Just to get caught up on some Spring Break pictures...

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